Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sneak Peek: A Conversation with My Prodigal


My Precious Prodigal Daughter: That pic is EPIC! LOL!!!!!!! 

Me: Hey (Son-in-Law), hope you’re doing okay. Just wanted you to know that if it were not for a Christian mother's prayer being answered, your precious (to me and you) wife would most likely be dead right now and would never have met you. On another occasion, prayers saved both of you from serious harm.

Let me tell you both stories....Me, my son, and my daughter woke up late one morning. I was gonna be late for work and they were gonna be late for school. We all started scurrying around trying to get ready, but the Holy Spirit gripped hold of my heart and told me to pray for my children's safety and to do it right now. So, I started praying. 

I yelled down to the other end of the house and told the kids that we needed to pray together before they left (My son had his driver’s license and a car so he had started driving his sister to school). Shortly afterwards I heard my son and daughter saying, “Bye mom!” and I yelled, “WE NEED TO PRAY!” They said, “But, we’re gonna be late.” So, I said, “Go ahead, then, and I’ll keep praying!" I went back to my bathroom to finish getting ready and I kept calling on the Lord to keep my babies safe. A few minutes later, my son came running back into the house and said, “Mom, there’s been an accident!!” My heart leaped into my throat. I said, “What happened?!” Just then my daughter came into the house and they both told me that they had just gotten into my son's car when they heard a loud boom, a crash, and screeching tires. I looked toward the end of my driveway and saw that my mailbox had been completely demolished and a truck was farther up the road…. so, I ran to check on the driver.   

She was running late for work also. She was traveling about 70 MPH down our 45 MPH street. Just as she got to the curve, a little ways out from our driveway, her tire blew and she lost control. She wiped out our mailbox and slid about 200 feet down the road. If my children had left the house 2 minutes or so earlier they would have been pulling out of our driveway. Depending on how my son would have chosen to pull out of the driveway that morning this truck would have either hit them head-on or broadside. I could have lost both my children that day in the blink of an eye. We all were visibly shaken… and then my son remembered that I had been praying for their safety and that they had chosen to go on without praying. He made the statement that from that moment forward we needed to “ALWAYS pray BEFORE getting ready EVERY morning” and that is exactly what we did.

After that fateful day, I would always tell them to “take Jesus with them” when they left for school each morning. I can still remember hearing my daughter say, “Come on, Jesus, let’s go!” Lol!

Now, why didn’t God prompt my son or daughter to pray? Because neither one of them had a real relationship with the Lord. Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Only the true children of God can hear from God and get their prayers answered. Going to church doesn’t get you into God’s family, but having a life-changing relationship with the God of the true church will.

Why did God prompt me to pray? He could have intervened without me praying. He didn’t need me…but, God knew that I was gonna need to build my faith in Him for the dark days that He knew lay ahead and He also knew that if I had lost my children it would have “completely” destroyed me. And on that day, He also planted a seed in the minds of my children. They knew their mother prayed and they saw God’s power at work.

Here’s another answered prayer...the day of your Jeep accident...around 3:45 p.m. or so, I was feeling pretty bad, so I thought maybe if I lay down for a little while then I would feel better. As I lay there, I tossed and turned, and even though I was tired, I couldn’t go to sleep. Just as I turned on my right side toward my bedroom door, a memory flashed before me. A memory of my daughter, your wife, at the age of about 6 or 7...running into my bedroom and saying, “Get up mom! You gonna sleep all day?” It seemed sooooo real to me and I was immediately overcome with emotion and got back up.

When my husband walked into the living room he saw me in tears and asked what was wrong. I told him that I was overcome with emotion and not sure why and that I thought, maybe, it had to do with not having my children near me anymore, but for whatever reason, my focus was on my daughter this time. I even pulled out all her old school pictures, glamor shots, vacation pictures, etc. and as I sat there going through each one I prayed for her salvation, and I prayed for her safety. I just felt compelled to do this. It was hard to shake the extreme emotion I was feeling.

A couple of hours later I got back on Facebook and my heart stopped when I saw that y’all had been in a car accident. It really didn’t dawn on me at first that during that same time period I had been praying for your safety, but when it did, a wave of goosebumps came over me and I felt weak. I cried out to God and thanked Him for the power of the Holy Spirit prompting me to pray and for hearing my plea! Y’all could have been hurled out into eternity – lost! I shuddered at the thought!

As I looked at the photos I couldn’t help but see the major difference in the damage to both vehicles. The other car “looked” like a totaled vehicle, but your Jeep did not. Now, I know Jeeps are tough, but I feel with all my heart that God intervened. I mean I had my daughter’s photos spread out all over the place, praying as I looked at each one. I still get emotional when I think about it.

When my husband came back home later that night, I told him y'all had been in an accident and I showed him the photos. He could hardly believe the difference in the 2 vehicles. Then I asked him, “And what was I doing just prior to their accident?” and he almost turned white when he realized.

I know that y’all don’t believe there is a living, loving God, but there is and He loves me enough to answer my prayer and loves you enough to keep you and your wife from leaving this life unprepared.

I just felt I needed to share that. It is info for you to discard or contemplate, but I pray that you will stop and think about it.

Anyway, I love you and pray for you both every day. Have a good night!

P.S. There are many other answered prayers I could tell you about, but hopefully I'll be able to share them on another day.

My Precious Prodigal Daughter: I believe in a psychic link because you're my blood. I don't believe God spoke to you. I have many gut feelings that turn out to be true. I think it's our sixth sense, not a god.  

Me: I've heard many non-believers say that God does not answer prayers, so I gave you examples. Yes, these answered prayers were connected to you, but there have been many others that were not. Here's an example:

When I first started going back to ch
urch I wanted to make prayer a priority in my life, but I felt that my prayers were reaching the ceiling, but going no further. This troubled me and I started asking God if He was hearing me, but I still wasn't sure. Then very shortly, thereafter, a random man that I worked with (at the same company, but not in the same area, so I didn't know him very well) told me that his grown daughter had been in a car accident. She was in a coma and on life support and was not expected to live because her injuries were so severe and she had a lot of internal bleeding. 

This man was not a believer and he didn't know I was a Christian (because I rarely saw him), but he found out that I was when I told him I would pray (now, this was a few days before Thanksgiving). When I got home from work that morning the Lord urged me to pray and he urged me to pray in a big way. So, I started praying that this woman would be brought out of her coma and be well enough to go home and be with her family on Thanksgiving.

I didn't know this man well and I did not know his daughter, but God overwhelmed me with a fervent concern for her. For the next couple of days I couldn't sleep because I would wake up with the need to pray for this random woman. I can't even fully describe the concern that God placed on my heart for her...almost as if she were someone I loved dearly. Anyway, 2 nights later I ran into this guy again (someone I rarely saw, remember...now I've seen him twice in one week) and I asked him about his daughter. He was overjoyed to tell me that his daughter had made, what the doctors called, a miraculous recovery and that she was going home on Thanksgiving Day. I turned white and the man asked me what was wrong. I said, “Oh, nothing is wrong, everything is right!” and I proceeded to tell him about all the praying I had done and was also able to witness to him about my Savior.

God knew what I needed and He answered my prayer in a big way. I needed to know that He heard me, so He urged me to pray for a stranger, and worked what everyone called a miracle, but God would call it a day’s work in the life of one of His children. But, the miracle did not stop there, for God had seen another need. The man, whose daughter I had prayed for, died a few months later. But, before he died he accepted Christ as His Savior. See, God knew that I needed to know my relationship with Him was real, but he also had seen this lost man and orchestrated events so that he would be open and receptive to the gospel. All our days are numbered and God knows each one. We may think God is far away, but He is always watching and orchestrating life to give all a chance to come to Him.

There are many other examples I could give you, but I’ve written a book already. Lol! But, I never stop being amazed at my God and His mercy. When non-believers cry out that God is a myth or is an uncaring entity it is because they have never experienced the life-changing, prayer answering God that I have. The thing is…He’s only a prayer away.

I love you Lulu. I hope you have a good day! ~Mom

My Precious Prodigal Daughter: That is quite a story! Love you, too!

This is the first time a conversation with my daughter (about the Lord) has ended like this! Although, she may be showing sarcasm by calling it "quite a story"...it's hard to tell sometimes with my PP (Precious Prodigal). Most conversations wind up ripping my heart out, but thank you Jesus, not this time! It does help to seek the Lord before witnessing instead of doing it as a knee-jerk reaction. Nevertheless, all I can do is keep praying for her and keep loving her and let God do the rest. She is so much safer with "He who neither sleeps nor slumbers".

Anyway, thanks for reading this dear friend. If I cross your mind in the days to come please pray for me as I continue to try to reach my daughter and her husband and I will remember you each day of this ministry. Just like you, many times I get anxious because I know our time is running out, but I have faith that God will save them...on His time schedule, not mine. Every day I have to keep placing them back into the Father's hands.

For His Glory and Honor,

The Princess Warrior
I would love for you to visit my other blogs:

The Princess Warrior Ministries @ http://theprincesswarriorministries.blogspot.com
31 Days Closer to God @ http://31daysclosertogod.blogspot.com

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Copyright © 2013 The Princess Warrior Ministries. All articles are copyrighted on the date they are posted, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright and web address. Other uses require written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.

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